Friday, April 10, 2015

Beachbody 21 Day Fix Review

You're Selling? I’m buying!!

If you know me, you know I love buying stuff from my friends. If they’re selling something, I’m buying it. I trust my friends! If they like something enough to sell it, then it must be good. And, most of the time this is true. There are two recent products I have tried that I absolutely love!!! Today, I want to tell you about one of those products, Beachbody 21 Day Fix.

My review…It’s AWESOME!!  Several years back I considered myself a runner. I ran several half marathons….even ran the San Francisco Nike Women’s full marathon.  I eventually developed plantar fasciitis and couldn't shake it. After several cortisone shots in my feet and several consultations with different doctors, I was told I need a plantar fasciitis release surgery….or I could back off running. The thought of cutting into my feet was something I didn't even want to consider. I backed off running……and moved on to being a couch potato. Yes, I tried other things, but nothing grabbed me like running. I was in a pitiful slump! Yes, me a Certified Personal Trainer and Recreation/Aquatic Therapist….I should be able to find something….be able to motivate myself….I know the importance of exercise. Nope, wasn't happening!

Several years later and several pounds later, I was on Facebook and started watching these posts by my friend Alice about Beachbody. I know Alice….I’ve seen her results….she’s proof it works. My hesitation was that I tried Beachbody before when I was running half-marathons. I was in great shape.  I tried P90X, and I struggled with doing the videos at home.  I didn't want to sign up for yet another set of DVDs just to have them collect dust. So, I continued to watch her posts.

A FREE 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge….this was the Facebook post from Alice that grabbed me. I signed up. Hey, it was free. This included a meal plan and a closed support group on Facebook. There was no exercise DVD. You just did your own exercise 30 minutes a day.  In 5 days, I lost 4 pounds and felt the spark of motivation. Next challenge she posted was the 21 Day Fix. Hmmm…this costs money?  I’m still motivated and swim suit season is coming up. I’ll give it a try.

Holy Cow!!! The exercises are actually doable! I can do this! The DVDs are only 30 minutes each…plus they offer modifications. There are eight 30 workouts on the DVDs to rotate through. You don’t get bored doing the same thing every day.

Week one: I struggle through the exercises and every muscle in my body hurts….but, I can do it. It’s only 30 minutes.

Week two: Still struggling, but I can do some of the exercises without the modifications. Muscles still hurt, but I seem to recover more quickly.

Week three…last week of the challenge: Spring break in Key West. I take my DVDs with me. Not a good week to be on any program…I REALLY slack off! Too much Key Lime Pie in Key West. And, it was Yummy!

The eating plan. The program comes with containers to help you learn portion control. You have 6 containers…each for different food groups: You are provided with a formula to calculate your calorie level. This will give you the container count. Seemed complicated at first. There’s a booklet that has a list of foods for each container. Honestly, I was sporadic with using the containers. I eyeballed the portions, and used the recommended foods from the lists.   Also, with all of the Beachbody programs, it is recommended to use their Shakeology protein shake. I’m always skeptical of a product that says it will give me “more energy”, “lose weight”, “curb cravings”, etc…, I could just buy my own protein shake.  Still, I went ahead and ordered the Shakeology.  While I waited for my order, I tired other protein shakes.  For me, I haven’t found another protein shake that tastes as good as Shakeology. It’s like having a daily dessert. Very very Yummy!!  Whether or not Shakeology is to credit for me having more energy, losing weight or curb cravings, or it’s because I stuck to the whole program and am healthier, I don’t know.  In any case, I like my daily dessert of Shakeology!

Before I share my results, the most important part of the whole challenge was(is) the support. When I did P90X a few years back, I didn't utilize the coach I was assigned. Could be because I didn’t know the person.  This time I was part of a fabulous supportive group. I couldn’t have done it without this group! They kept me accountable. We posted pictures of our food, inspirational quotes, pictures of us working out, or just a post about our day. We checked in. We commented on eachothers posts…..ACTUAL REAL PEOPLE doing the same thing I’m doing and supporting eachother.  I cannot stress this enough…This part is the key to success with these programs!

Okay, what are my results after 3 weeks?

I went from 173.75 total inches to 164.9 inches. That’s 8.85 inches total! Those measurements are totaled from measurements of chest, right arm, left arm, waist, hips, right thigh, and left thigh. As for weight, I went from 136lbs to 132lbs…down 4 more pounds. The best part is I found my motivation…I’m stronger and healthier!!!

I didn’t stop there. I started the 21 days over. Followed the program from start to finish again. Now, I’m 129lbs with a total of 161 inches.  I’ve lost 11lbs and 12.75 inches.  We still have our Facebook group, and I still check in. Love this group!!

What’s next?

Become a Coach. So, I did.  My reason for taking this next step is because I believe in these programs! I’ve tried them and I've gotten results. I want to share that!  I also want to try more of the Beachbody programs, and signing up as a coach provides additional discounts.

Next Program to Try…

When you sign up for any Beachbody program, you get to try other programs from their On-Demand option. I tried several and talked with Alice about a good next step.  I tossed it up between 21 Day Fix Extreme and T25. I went with T25. I love Autumn Calabrese and 21 Day Fix.  However, I thought signing up as a coach I should try other trainers. This way I’ll be able to help others decide the best program for them.

Can’t end without saying….if you are interested in finding out more, please call me or send me a message. I’d love to help you get started.  It’s so easy!!

Wheek Wheek!

Before and After from First 21 Day Fix


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Resolution Update

Resolution update….

Heatlh: Join group for “Healthy Food Challenge”. This is a 5 day commitment to eat healthy, workout 5 days a week, report in to the group and motivate each other.
Organize: Finalize Poolhouse interior design for colors, tiles, appliances, hardware.

Health: I did the “Healthy Food Challenge” and it was great! I even took the next step and joined a 21 day challenge. Just completed that challenge….liked it so much…I restarted the 21 day challenge.  I lost 4lbs on the 5 day challenge and an additional 4lbs on the 21 day challenge. I didn’t do measurements for the 5-day challenge, but I did for the 21 day.  I lost a total of 10 inches (measuring arms, legs, chest, stomach, hips). I was surprised since the last week of the challenge I was in Key West and ate a lot of Key Lime pie. I probably would have lost a few extra pounds if it weren't for the vacation. The exercises were definitely doable. The DVD workouts are only 30 minutes, so I was able to fit them in every day. I really like that I could tell I was getting stronger. I didn’t loss much weight, but I definitely toned up and feel stronger. For me, being able to actually feel results in 3 weeks is huge. It keeps me motivated. If I had only lost 4lbs, I would have been bummed after 3 weeks. Dropping a size in clothes and feeling stronger is what made the difference for me.  If you are interested, contact my friend Alice Finkelstein, and she’ll get you on your way to a healthy you!

Organize: Didn't exactly complete this for February. I did make some progress, but it was much harder than I expected.  I have a general plan, but decided I need some guidance. This may take a bit longer.

Health: Dedicate 15 hours to volunteering
Organize: Clean and organize shed and garage

Health: I completed my 15 hours…probably more. I volunteered to put together the 4th Grade Auction project for the school. I cut, sanded and primed white fir wood 4x4 tiles for the kids to paint. Spent and afternoon at the school painting with the kids….then painted the edges and sealed the tiles. I made a planter then glued and nailed the tiles to the planter. I had so much fun with this project. The kid’s art was amazing!! The entire package includes a wooden cooler, grill, grilling cookbook, grill tool-set, glow-in-the-dark marshmallow sticks, hammock chair, the planter, and plates and cups custom made using pictures of the art. I will be bidding on this package at the auction!!

Organize: Why is organizing becoming my nemesis?? I haven’t gotten to this yet. I still have a couple of weeks.

Finish up March and on to April…
Wheek! Wheek!

 Alice Finkelstein

Monday, February 2, 2015

New Year's Resolution

So, did you make a New Year’s Resolution? What was it?  How’s it going? 

Did you realize of the 32% of Americans that make a New Year’s resolution each year, only half actually maintain the resolution or follow through with it?

The New Year’s resolution isn’t something new. Nope. It can be traced back more than 4000 years ago to the Babylonians (livescience and This was a time for them to crown a new king or reaffirm the old king. As well as, affirm to return borrowed items or repay debts. They weren’t as focused on losing a few extra pounds. I wonder if they were better at keeping their resolutions than we are.

For me, I didn’t make one. Sure, I have things I probably need to return and a king to reaffirm…nothing against that monumental declaration at the beginning of the year. It just never seems to work not for me. My king will have to wait.

It’s probably the ADHD part of me that can’t stick to one goal for an extended period of time. However, I can commit to a week… and OCD that goal like you wouldn’t believe. I’ll stick to it like poop on fur (had to work “poop” in for my kids). I’ve learned it’s best to set myself up for success…I despise failure. (yeah, I know we still learn from our failures…blah, blah, blah) I learn new ways to be pissed off!

I’ve decided to try something new that shouldn’t be too stressful. I took all of January to come up with this. J I’m going to make monthly goals one to get more organized and one to improve overall health. That way I have a whole month to make it happen. Maybe next year, I’ll try weekly goals. Let’s see how this goes…

Heatlh: Join group for “Healthy Food Challenge”. This is a 5 day commitment to eat healthy, workout 5 days a week, report in to the group and motivate each other.
Organize: Finalize Poolhouse interior design for colors, tiles, appliances, hardware.
Health: Dedicate 15 hours to volunteering
Organize: Clean and organize shed and garage
Health: No more than 1 glass of wine (alcohol) per day and no more than 6 glasses per month, with one full week of no alcohol– I’m pretty sure less would increase my stress levels which would defeat the purpose of improving my overall health….and probably the health of those around me. J
Organize: Complete treehouse
Health: No more than 4 grams of sugar for 5 straight days (no processed carb, no candy, no sweetened drinks, etc)
Organize: Start Kitchen Remodel Plan (which will also include floors and painting walls)
Health: Dedicate once a week to work on my swim strokes. Swim for exercise 8 times for 30 minutes.
Organize: Complete poolhouse interior furniture plan and hopefully be done with poolhouse.
Plan goals for remaining of the year. After all, things change in 6 months and goals have to be adjusted. Teeheehee! This made me laugh! I’m the best procrastinator out there!

I feel good writing this down and putting it out there. Accountability!

Wheek! Wheek!